Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Calm After The Calm

It is now a week since returning from vacation. David and I had a wonderful time and if you haven’t seen the pictures, check them out – to the right of the blog on my Flickr page. David actually has better pictures on his Facebook page, so if you have access to his page, check that out as well.

My return to work was… unusual. Usually, when I return to work from a vacation, I get irritated quickly and it proves to be a hellish week. Not this time. I felt brain-dead all week. It may be that I was actually relaxed and have become unfamiliar with the feeling. Lots got done, (although it is never enough), bills were paid, deposits made, employees were added to insurance policies, a new employee started, contact was made with a new IT company, lots of discussion on our company website, meetings were endured, a million questions were answered, toilets were repaired… you know, the usual stuff. But I took it all in stride nearly all week. Something shifted on Friday and a little bit of the tension started seeping through. I suppose I should be grateful for four relatively calm (that is, me being calm) days.

I imagine that after all of the elegant resort atmosphere, attentive staff, spa pampering, and amazing food, I should expect the mundane world to be a bit colorless. I am trying to add some color to my life by sinking my teeth into my music studio – a pleasant reminder that I have a life outside of work. It is progressing slowly, but it is getting there.

So here I am, struggling to put a few sentences together because the brain is still in a bit of a haze. Probably best that I stop here and start making some noise... I mean, music…


1 comment:

joetalk said...

Isn't that the best feeling ever?? I love the haze after an awesome vacay!

I'm still waiting to hear the noise . . . I mean music :)