Saturday, September 13, 2008

For Michael Collins, Jeffrey, and Me

I’ll go in reverse order…

For me:
I need to reclaim my life. My whining, ranting, bitching, kvetching, and otherwise being various shades of miserable about my job are evidence that I need to either accept it or move on. I could write another rant about this week’s events and how it spilled into this weekend, but I am not going to. I am claiming my life as my own.

For Jeffrey:
Damn, but the picture in the last blog really does look like Jeffrey. Well, if you put him in a suit and got him to yell into a phone… I am sure he would look quite dashing in a suit and I have a feeling he could yell into a phone just like that. For those of you who don’t know who I am talking about, look to the right of the blog and see .99centPoetry. His profile picture may not look like that, but trust me… that’s him.

For Michael Collins:
Who the hell is Michael Collins? Exactly. You remember Neil Armstrong and you probably remember Buzz Aldrin. They got the glory of being the first men to walk on the moon while Michael sat in his little orbiting capsule looking at a grey landscape, knowing he would never set foot on this familiar, yet alien world. There are times when I feel like I understand how Michael Collins must have felt. Not the glory part… the being so close that you can almost touch it, but having it out of reach.

Bonus point to anyone who can identify the origin of the blog title without looking it up…


John said...

Very cool, Thom. Had no clue....would expect nothing less from you! Reclaim need some to maintain your sanity. I ma not even talking about work on try to keep it in a box...a VERY big box.....hugs.

.99centPoetry said...

Ok,this hits home especially about the work.

Last year was horrible for me,I hated my job,I thought of quitting everyday and it was just painful to wake up knowing where I would be headed.

Shortly after 2008 came around I came to the conclusion that I was probably going to be there for the long haul.Mind you,the same stresses were there,all the same problems as before with no change,other than the one inside of me.

Realizing that I was surely always going to be there in a way had taken alot of the stress and anger off of my shoulders.I learned to accept many things that would have just drove me nuts before.It might well be that its mere resignation,but so be worked!2008 has been the best year I've had in a very long time..and I think acceptance was a huge part of that,though there was something else I will not speak of here ;-)

No no no look,I'm not saying stop bitchin about work..I still intend to,and would want you too.I think it helps us all relate as workers to complain about these things...bring us closer in a sick and lovely way.

What I'm saying is,don't let your unhappiness at work define who you are when not there.

There is no life for you to "reclaim" have a life,and I'm assuming a busy yet full one.Some are bad things,but many good ones as well.You might just need to find the right bed to tuck the bad things under,and I think writing about them in your blog is a great place to get things out.

Much Love for you and yours Thom.
Your brother in fangs,