Friday, October 24, 2008

Stress Release

If you watched the video, you will understand why I am off from work. Tension can only build up to a point where you have to let off some steam. I don’t think it was an overreaction, do you?

Fortunately, there are those who understand my distress. When I sent my “out of office” email auto response to my web guy (AKA my friend Tom, AKA designer of the Mr. Bitch t-shirt, AKA look at the link to the right of the blog that says “Tom”), I received this revised version:

I will be out of the office until Tuesday, October 28. I don't care if you need anything from now until then. Figure it out for yourself. THEY CALL THIS BEING PROACTIVE - do YOU know what PROACTIVE IS??? or are you still on B in the dictionary?

If it is ABSOLUTELY an emergency call 911 or 411 or - whoever the hell else you want to call but DONT CALL ME because I simply don't give a shit.

Good luck - hope not to see you again.
Mr. Bitch

Clearly, I have expressed my feelings about my work associates directly and accurately. But you probably ascertained that from the video.

So with that, I bid you all a happy and stress-free weekend.


Claire Uncorked said...

Awesome, all of it! That video is hilarious, & I feel like doing that stuff a lot. Yikes. I need a vacation.

Good for you, taking a day off. If people can't figure things out without you, screw 'em.

Thom said...

Screw 'em even if they can figure it out - which I doubt. I need a REAL vacation too, Claire... not this day here and there stuff. Eventually...

Anonymous said...

You deserve the time off...don't forget the back rub too.

As for the video...I'm always the person watching outbursts like that wishing I had the nerve. LOL

One of these days...Bam!!! (and then martini time)

Thom said...

Back rub too... damn right! Is it Martini time yet?

Anonymous said...

I'd say it's time you have the company get you a work cell phone that you can thus TURN OFF so no one from work can reach you when you're off from work. Or else get really good at the "Uh oh, my phone battery is about to die" approach and then hanging up on people. Either one comes with satisfaction guaranteed (on your end), and excuses legitimate enough that no action is taken against you for them.

Thom said...

Well, Phil it is kind of like dealing with the Borg – you have to change tactics frequently so they don’t see a pattern. I did a preemptive strike this time…on Friday morning, I called at 7:30 am and said “This is your chance to ask me any questions before I start my weekend – after this I will be playing music far too loudly to hear my phone.” Seems to have worked… one more day to go and no calls so far…