Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Moment’s Pause

It has been quite a time, lately. I feel like I have been ridden hard and put away wet… it’s a metaphor, people, don’t get all trashy. OK, get trashy, I can use the laugh. Hmmm… there’s a bit of textbook ADD.


June is hell month in my little corner of the universe I call my job(s). It is the end of the fiscal year, it is the month following our signature event (someone has to count the money), it is budget completion time, it is financial audit prep time, and all of the usual financial reporting, board meetings, daily drama, letting two people go and hiring another, etc, etc, etc… still had to happen – on time. This has been a particularly nasty one and it did not all go well. The budget is not finished and my usually organized records are in disarray so I am unprepared for the audit.


As I see it, I have two choices. I can either continue to work seven days a week or I can realize that I am shortening my life once again (it is a pattern with my job choices) and stop. I chose the latter. Well, maybe “pause” is more accurate than “stop.” I had planned to take off my birthday off because I consider my birthday to be a National Holiday and no one should have to work – most of all, me. So if you agree with this, call in birthday on Monday and celebrate with me. Well, Monday turned into Monday and Tuesday, which turned into a half day yesterday… nearly five days off. I return for two days, and then we have a three day Holiday (the recognized National kind) weekend.


A strange thing is happening. I am feeling a sense of calm… dare I say, peace. It is the first weekend since…???... that I have not either been at work, been at a work function, worked at home, or done anything related to work. I believe those funny sounds I am hearing are my own thoughts (thoughts… thoughts… thoughts…). I know there will be too much stuff waiting for me when I return to work, but for right now, it doesn’t matter.

Double Yay (Yay Yay)

So, yes, July will probably suck, but… there is another, possibly honesttogoodnessreal vacation in early August. David and I are taking the week off to celebrate his 50th birthday (now that should certainly be a national holiday). We have no firm plans yet. If you have David’s email or are connected to him on Facebook, blogger, or better still, by phone, tell him that we need to GO AWAY. The kind of GO AWAY that means spending a little money and being away from home and all of the chores that comes with that territory. He will probably kill me for this, but what the heck, it’s worth a try.


You see, this is what happens when I allow my mind to wander, unfocused. They (whoever “they” are) say that some stress is good – it keeps the mind active and focused. I hate to prove “them” right, but I fear with every word, I am doing just that. So, on that note (lalala) gentle reader, I will leave you with this thought…

Nothing succeeds like a parakeet with no teeth.

1 comment:

joetalk said...

Nothing succeeds like a parakeet with no teeth eh?

That's one of your better ones Thommy (giggles) . . .

I say y'all should go some place really far away and fun -- like Mexico! Ay ya yah! (or whatever . . .)