Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is Just a Test...

If this were a real blog you would have been alerted...

I seem to have gotten disconnected. In the process of setting up a feed for my blog on Facebook, I have lost my own subscritption to Google Reader... which means you are not seeing it either. This would include my last three or four posts.

I have a theory, so I am testing it out. If you are reading this, it has worked. If not... I will try again....

and again and again and again...


joetalk said...

reading you loud and clear hon . . . and boy am I tired!

Thom said...

Does it show up in your Google Reader (if you use it)? It is still not showing up on mine, but it does show up on Facebook for some reason.

How did it go today?

Thom said...

Got it: