Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Morning After

It is time for me to whine (again) about working for a non-profit. Specifically, the dreaded Fundraiser (or as I affectionately call it, the Fundbeggar). …

I am not a fundraiser, nor do I aspire to be one. I can be a whore for my own personal gratification, but somehow, doing it for a living is something I find distasteful – of course, I am grateful to those who do and make my paycheck possible. I am a finance guy who would love to have no other responsibility than to crunch numbers, produce financial reports, and make overly complex spreadsheets. For me, fundraisers are like going to the dentist – you dread it before you go, it is painful while it is happening, and you still hurt the next day. We only do a couple of major ones a year, although they seem to be growing and having babies. Last night we had one of two big annual fundraisers and while it is necessary, I don’t like that part about coming home after midnight and being so sore from standing for hours, that I can barely walk today (wah, wah, wah).

Since before I actually started working there (as a volunteer), I have been responsible for the same task at each event – collect the money, be a cashier, make change, run auctions… etc. Any place that money needs to be paid or received is where you will usually find me. This time was different. I decided that I am not being an effective manager if I cannot have my staff do the work, thereby allowing me to “work” the event by talking to our donors, board members, and other guests. I almost pulled it off. I chose a simple task that allowed me to meet and greet the attendees as they arrived. The problem was that people arrived over the course of a three hour period and I was standing in one spot most of the evening. Ouch… my feet and back are not happy today. That, and getting home at 12:30am, still completely wired… oh well, it is part of what needs to be done (but I don’t have to be happy about it, wah, wah, wah).

Everybody wants to do outdoor events in Florida. Then they remember why it is not such a great idea, i.e. heat and humidity (“Gee, it is not usually this hot in October”… yes it is – another manifestation of that sun brain damage I wrote about last time). By the time I left I was so completely soaked through that I could barely peel off my clothes when I came home. Did I mention I hate heat and humidity? (wah, wah)

So here I am, the morning after, glad through all of my aches and pains that we have another one behind us. Tomorrow we count the money and see to what degree it was worth it. (wah)

AND, work on the next four events are in process… oy.


Blue Ice Dave said...

And yet through all the pain and suffering, it was a successful event and those attending enjoyed themselves AND you continue to receive accolades for ALL that you do for the organization.

joetalk said...

I hate outdoor events . . . nature blows! :)

Two words for your back ache -- heal inserts. They really work!!!

joetalk said...

Um, make that heel inserts . . . geez! :)

John (from Iowa) said...

Heel inserts heal . . .