Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mr. Bitch

Sure, everybody thinks I’m a nice guy. Most of the time I am, but there are those times…

As HR bitch (job responsibility #5, but who is counting) I got to sit in on an employee getting fired this week. As part of a team of three managers sitting in on this, I watched the other two stammer, look downward, and generally prolong the process unnecessarily. The young woman being let go was using ever trick in the book… sorry dear, they don’t work on me. I let it go as long as I could stand it then interrupted the circular conversation by stating that a decision was made, everything that needed to be said was said, and the discussion was over (i.e. don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out).

But that’s not really what I am writing about.

I find the response to my last three posts interesting in that from the trilogy of dark, light, and grey, people responded best to writing about the light. I find this very comforting and affirming. Thank you for all of the very thoughtful comments.

But that’s not what I was going to write about either.

What happens when you have a good friend who is a graphic artist and knows a bit about you and your day to day hell that is called work. Well, he starts with a picture like this:

Crop it down to this:
Then work some magic and artistry to produce this:

It gave me the best laugh I had all week and neatly ties in all of the previous things that I said I was not writing about.

Hey, I’m Mr. Bitch, I can do that.

Thanks Tom, I needed that laugh. Check out his blog, see his smiling face, Sophi the wonder dog, and the writing of an all around great guy.


Claire Uncorked said...

Ha! I love that shirt, & so very appropriate!

Hey, we can add it to our list! We're going to be sooo successful....hello, early retirement!


Anonymous said...

Well you are most certainly the sweetest bitch I know Mr. Bitch

Thom said...

You know, Claire my CRS (Can't Remember Shit)syndrome has gotten so bad, I almost forgot about our fabulous line of T-shirts. Some of these ideas came from Tom (the star of today's blog). Yes... we are on the road to early retirement... yay! I don't think I can stand this working for a living thing much longer.

Thom said...

Yay, Tom is here!!! It is good to see you here where you can meet some wonderful friends.

Anonymous said...

I AM here - Hello Everyone.

Thom do your friends also know about the windex treatments?

What line of t-shirts?? do tell....

Thom said...

Tom, check out Claire's blog:
In the comment section, there are ideas for t-shirts. Some will look familiar, since they are your ideas. Joe Joe, are you around anywhere? Your t-shirts are great too!

No, they do not know about the windex treatments, but I recommend that they visit your blog to find out...

Blue Ice Dave said...

Sure, Tom. Crop me out of the picture....BITCH!

Thom said...

OK then, it is t-shirts all around : )

it's my thing said...

Sometimes you have to be a bitch. It's the only way to keep people from walking all over you.

Anonymous said...

Oh the picture!

It's better when firing someone to be brief,precise,and dead honest.Just get it done so everyone can move on already.No feedback should be allowed,especially if the decisions been made.

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes being a Bitch is all a woman has to hold on to" ~Dolores Claborne~

Great Shirt! Long time no see my friend. Looks like your doing well, you look great! Luv & Hugz, Jimmy

Thom said...

Jimmy! Great to see you here. It has been too long... thanks for stopping by!