Thursday, January 29, 2009


Change is the only constant. Knowing this does not equal controlling it.

Control is an illusion of ego.

Ego always seems to try and sabotage our best intentions. It is completely human.

Being fully human involves understanding how fallible we are.

Appreciating fallibility is one path to happiness.

Happiness is not an illusion. It is a state that I believe is intended for us.

However much we fight what is intended for us, our path will go where it needs to go. We can recognize this only through faith.

Faith is not housed in a building or a gathering of people – although it can be – faith is in the heart.

A closed heart is tantamount to failure in all relationships.

Relationships are delicate, fragile things, made strong by an open heart, faith, appreciation of your own and other’s paths, embracing happiness, accepting fallibility, striving to be more fully human, release of ego, surrendering control, and riding the flow of change.


Haley C. said...

I don't imagine that was an unedited stream of consciousness, but I truly like the way it all flows... and resonates with me.

Thom said...
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Thom said...

Actually, other than a title change, and the last line to wrap it up, this was an unedited stream of consciousness. I originally started with the title "Randomness" (I often start with a title before I begin writing) and had no idea where I was going ... until I saw the pattern and went with it.

Sometimes the words are carefully crafted. Other times, more conscious thought goes into a comment : )

Anonymous said...

Hello Thomas...

Just here to soak up some rays of soul light. Don't know what I needed today...the day is not over yet, but my "path" led me here.

I'll make it through the afternoon now. Thanks..I really liked this.


Thom said...

I am always happy when our paths cross. I started out the day not knowing what I needed either - I'm still not sure that I know... but sometimes we put out there what we need the most for ourselves... soak it up, baby.

Galen said...

I like what you said and how you said it. And I must say, you seem to have spent your mental health day productively. I usually waste mine by sleeping :(

joetalk said...

I soooo love your random thoughts. But it always makes me feel like I shouldn't be typing and should be finger painting instead . . .

Thom said...

Thanks Galen. If you call 10 minutes of writing productive... then I took a nap : )

JJ, put away your finger paints. You are one of the best writers around here and your current post is compelling, to say the least!

.99centPoetry said...

All I can say is right on!