Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Painted Into A Corner

Well, I thought it was clever… at first, any way.

If you make it all the way down to the bottom of the page, you may notice the little jukebox. If you look at the song titles, you may notice a correlation to the blog titles. Yes, all of the blog titles share the names of songs (with a little literary license in one case). I didn’t set out to do this, it just kind of happened that way. When I found the jukebox widget, I thought it would be fun to put the corresponding song into the jukebox and keep it going. That’s where I made my mistake.

I couldn’t think of another bloody idea that had a matching song title.

Oh sure, there are lots of possibilities, but each false start has resulted in no blog because it is all too contrived. Why would I want to paint myself into a corner like that? I refuse to look for a song about being painted into a corner…

So I am releasing myself. I am cleaning up the jukebox, because I really don’t like most of those songs anyway. I will write whatever I damn well please, with no silly boundaries, and include songs (in the widget at the bottom of the page) because I like the song.

Ahhh… that’s better. OK, let’s get this started this over… again.


Anonymous said...

The widget thing is cool to do.But you might not want to set yaself up for a fall in that.Maybe write the blog first,then find a song to wrap around it,instead of the other way around.

joetalk said...

I'm not sure if this is helps the neurosis or not . . . but "Walk the Line" popped into my head.

Thom said...

Jeffrey, kisses appreciated, enjoyed, and reciprocated... wow, that sounds way too clinical... let me try again - *kisses*

lol JJ... now there's a song I definately don't want! I already cleaned up my playlist and have things that suit me. It's a start.

John said...

Come now Thom...write what you damn well please, indeed! LOL...widgets....e-gads....

Anonymous said...

Ooooo-kay...glad we got past that. Of course, I like when my friends paint themselves in corners. Makes me seem smarter, and that's all that matters.

That widget is great, yet I'd like to ask them why I have to fill it with 100 selections before I can start another one? Who in my blog world would want to listen to that many songs all at once? I need at least two widgets. One for me and one that I can edit for my "fans". That's really got me caught in a corner. Oh well...footprints on the floor can be incorporated into room design. you're sure you really want me over here leaving DUI comments?