Saturday, April 26, 2008

On Being Bitchy

I went into the day knowing it was going to be a bad one. I promised myself that no matter what happened, I would remain calm, cool, and collected. I was none of those.

Since I work for a non-profit organization, we get involved in fund raising events. I hate these events – all of them. Here’s how it goes for me… gather all of the credit card machines and slips (yes, the old mechanical card swipe variety), grab some cash to make change, gather lots of pens, and hope somebody at the event has a clue about a process – any process –any idea of what I can expect.

I had my stuff ready, and as usual, nobody had a clue. It was a Casino event in an open airport hangar, which could be fun if you’re NOT IN SOUTH FLORIDA. It was brutally hot and humid – a VERY bad combination for me. The people running the event were nowhere to be found and so people started arriving asking me question that I had no idea how to answer. First I was annoyed, then I got pissed, how far behind can bitchy be?

Not far, it turned out.

Fortunately, the bitchiness was not directed at the people who were giving me money. Unfortunately, it was directed at my coworkers. Most didn’t deserve it, but some, correction… one, did deserve it. SHE, as I will refer to her, first pissed me off when SHE discovered SHE had a flat tire and went straight into high drama. SHE, who was supposed to be running the show for our little non-profit, left just before the event was supposed to start, leaving us high and dry and trying to figure out what we were supposed to be doing. When SHE returned, did SHE help? No, SHE went to the gaming tables and played all night. The final blow was when it was time to leave. At this point I was drenched, tired, and more than ready to get into my air conditioned car heading for my air conditioned home. With our arms full of things to bring back to the office, why can’t we leave? Because SHE was having another crisis – SHE couldn’t find her lip gloss so we couldn’t leave… that’s when I lost it.

“Lip gloss? LIP GLOSS? Oh yeah, we’re ready to leave… aren’t we ready to leave everyone? Yup, we are SO ready to leave. Have fun … good luck finding the LIP GLOSS!” With just a tad of sarcasm in my voice and daggers flying from my eyes, I stormed out the door.

In retrospect, I might feel bad or at least be concerned for Monday morning since SHE and I share an office. But since I am going on a business trip next week, I won’t see HER for another week. SHE can chew on it for the week. SHE can chew on the bloody lip gloss for all I care.

I am not normally inclined to displays of drama. I do my best to control my inner bitch. Sometime, however, ya just gotta let ‘er loose…


Anonymous said...

Omg I hate that.When I used to do retail and for some odd reason the computers went down,we had to use the registers for cash and credit manually...I hate it..especially those damn CC slips plus having to write down all the merchandise and numbers by hand....F*CK!! :-)

Sometimes babe ya gots to let that dragon out...or it stays inside and stews.Glad ya threw some daggers at her,she sounds like a twit.

Thom said...

Twit? I have a similar word in mind... just replace one letter.

Blue Ice Dave said...

Missy will be out the door soon least that's my prediction for the clueless.

Thom said...

Well, you certainly know the landscape... same location, different bitch

Galen said...

What a night! I'm curious about the age of this woman. I would have lost it, too...when I'm hot and sweaty, my patience is about THIS thin. And besides, the lip gloss had probably melted in the heat anyway.

joetalk said...


If that's your "bitch" mode, I'm a bit disappointed. I expect more out of those that I look up to.

Next time -- make sure you bite her head completely off and get to the creamy center!

(hehehe . . . u knows I loves ya!)

Thom said...

Galen, she is 27 going on 16. Yes, the heat didn't help matters. That, and my involvement was assumed... they "forgot" to tell me I had to go.

JJ, you are right. That's with my boss standing there AND only the stuff I put to print here. If I had written more detail, I think you would be proud of me...

Galen said...

I knew it! I had her pegged for a late 20-something (my deep-seated prejudice against Gen-Y rears its ugly head).

joetalk said...

That's the part where I'm supposed to learn the whole restraint thing, huh?

Yeah -- I wasn't born with that gene . . . if you get me into bitch mode (which is kinda hard) -- it's gonna run it's course. :)

John said...

I agree with you Thom....tw_t is much better.....or frankly you just should have let her have the C word and gotten it all done with. I would have been in the same straights as you, absolutley no patience after all that....I would have dragged her ass out of the Casino.....face slapping, hair pulling and wig snatching would have ensued. :-)

And I am sure that your boss completely understood, though would likely have preferred to not have seen it. LOL Hearing about it is so much more comfortable....especially over a cocktail. Well....that one is down..and you are off on another adventure....don't you ever get to come north? Hugs to ya, bud.

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John said...

The delete was a dup....sorry.

Anonymous said...

You just over-reacted because she's a woman! HA!!! Oh, don't you even throw that blue suede shoe at me! You'll miss...let's face it. Eyesight can't be that good now...You're not "27" anymore! LMAO!!!

Really, darlin' I completely feel your rage. I've been having a very messy week, myself. I've had one Bitch moment after another. All, it seems, at the hands of 20-somethings interviewing me for poaitions they obviously don't understand themselves and wouldn't know how to complete, even poorly. It is also apparent that opening a lip gloss container would prove difficult for them. I just don't get where they hire these children. Those 'deer in a headlight' stares they give when they hear a complete sentence...I get the urge to hurt them physically. Isn't there somewhere down there, I could get a rocket launcher cheap?

Anonymous said...

position...not poaition. I can spell...REALLY!