Saturday, April 5, 2008

(Just Like) Starting Over

What am I doing here? Well, after spending over two years on Yahoo 360, I would have been perfectly happy to keep my blog there. But that site has begun to resemble a post-apocalyptic ruin. Unsupported, glitch-ridden, and nearly abandoned… it’s time to move.

This is an opportunity to get back to basics. I started this process to write… and write I have. Along with that came the benefits and pitfalls of a social networking site – those who have nothing more to offer than posting pretty pictures with a cut and paste multi-colored text taken from someone else. Drama and treachery from the seamier side of the virtual world… But it has been balanced by some great writers and amazing connections to the point of even finding my life partner in the process… part of why it is so hard to abandon the old dying horse. So while I am not quite ready to shoot it, I can no longer deal with the inability to post a blog or a comment without hitting glitches.

I imagine that being used to a social networking site, this may be a bit of a lonely experience. However, I am looking forward to writing for writing’s sake… not as a response or reaction to what is going on around me in a social networking world. I like to believe that I don’t write to an audience, but let’s be real… if we weren’t writing to an audience (known or unknown) why would we post blogs?

I considered other social networking sites like Multiply (for about 5 seconds) and Ning (forced social networking… I don’t think so)… nothing seemed to fit. When my Yahoo mail started getting glitchy on me, I said “Basta!” Enough is enough… I switched to gmail, changed my home page to Google, and found Blogger. So… why not?

I really enjoy connecting to people through writing – even if I don’t always know it is actually happening. I tend to share on the brink of TMI, then write something completely cryptic, and then often throw in humor when it is least appropriate. Don’t worry if you don’t see any of that here yet… there isn’t any.

So, hello Blogger world. It is time to start over and see where this path leads.

That’s what I am doing here.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, I'm thrilled to see your new site! Now that you're on Google, I also recommend trying out Google Reader. Click on "RSS feed" of a blog (or any site that publishes a feed) and all updates can be viewed in one place, sort of like emails. A simple click will take you to the site should you want to comment.

As for getting a feed to 360, see the "subscribe to posts (atom)" link at the bottom of your site? Copy that link and paste it into 360 and that should (I think) do the trick.

And finally... welcome to the dark side! Love what you've done with the place, by the way.

Thom said...

Thanks, Phil. I put this all together pretty quickly, so there is still a lot to do and learn. Thank you for the info you provided already and I will take you up on your earlier offer for help!

Galen said...

Welcome, Thom. Glad to see you here. I've just dabbled here on Blogger myself...mainly just reposting some of my favorites from my 360 blog. It's been a bit discouraging here, as I feel as if my posts simply fall into a black hole. But at least I now know one person here, so that's something. I look forward to reading your blog here.

Thom said...

Hey Galen! Suddenly it is not feeling as lonely here as I thought it might be. I know there are ways to link to the blogs of others, so as I learn, I will share. Thanks for the welcome!

John said...

Well hello, Thom! I know, "what the hell sre YOU doing here!" just came across your mind. LOL Well, at least get alerted to when my friends make poasts wherever the are and I have been signed up here for a little while. I have a few blogs that I check out on Google. Life has been (and will be) hectic for awhile with travel (work and fun) and the gardening season is kicking in (I am slowly reducing a 10 yard mulch pile...WHAT was I thinking??...oh yeah, pretty gardens and a buff upper body...Hah!). So who know's if and when I will flesh out my page...but I am very happy to know where you are.....360 did get to be frustrating trying to post when I found myself there...hugs to you and David. Enjoy your weekend and your writing!

Thom said...

Hi John, what a pleasant surprise! It seems that I know more people on here than I realized. I am so glad to see your smiling face pop up! Good luck with your "busy"... I have a bit of my own these days. Good luck to us both!

Anonymous said...

I like this site, it is very nice and I am just happy to know you will keep on blogging :) Nice to read you Thom, always.



Anonymous said...

Oh, Thom...another to add to my Favorites. I may end up having to bail as well. Granted, I haven't had a lot of time to write much of anything anywhere lately....

Glad I didn't lose you! (I gotta get a login, apparently - no time for that now!


Anonymous said...

Yoo-hoo I am here :-)

Thom said...

Yay... Des, Claire, and Jeffrey! Three people I am very happy to hear from. Thank you, my friends...