Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rabbit in the Headlights

It seems that in most of my childhood pictures, I have that same expression on my face… and why not? Look at what they did to us. My sister looks like something out of “A Christmas Carol” (ghost of Christmas past?) and I look like Ralphie from “A Christmas Story.” Note the oversized, rather pale carrot (as opposed to the rather pale me) in its little holster. Oy…

I am guessing that this picture was taken sometime around 1959. Yes, I know… I’m old… Well, never make fun of old people – someday you will be one and I will make fun of you.

Looking at the picture made me come up with a list of:

You Know You Are Old When:

Your early life in pictures is in sepia tones

The Christmas tree has lead tinsel, big lights, and that scrunchy metal garland

You don’t remember the picture being taken (of course, this could be the result of too much fun during the late 60’s and early 70’s)

You remember the music from the Firestone Christmas Albums (yes, mes enfants, there were these things called record albums…) AND you remember your parents getting them from a gas station, when they used to pump gas for you AND at no extra cost

You like the music from the Firestone Christmas albums

You know who Mahalia Jackson is, and you know her wonderful version of “Holy, Holy, Holy”

You remember the Andy Williams Christmas Specials

You actual saw Bing Crosby and David Bowie singing “Little Drummer Boy” when it happened

You would have to wait to see if “A Christmas Carol” was on TV because there were no such things as DVD’s, VCR’s, or DVR’s

You lived through real trees, artificial trees, silver aluminum trees with color wheel (remember that?), back to real tree, back to artificial tree… let’s hope the silver tree never returns

I could go on… and I probably would but there is Cheer to spread and Merry to make…

Happy Holidays!!!


Blue Ice Dave said...

You know you're old when you saw Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the first time it was aired, complete with the Norelco Elves.

Galen said...

You know you're old when you know the words to at least the first verse of every classic religious Christmas carol...and you learned them in public school.

You know you're old when your most prized Christmas present was a transistor radio..."Look, you don't have to plug it in!"

You know you're old when that gas they pumped for you cost 19 cents/gallon.

You know you're old when you had a gift exchange at school every year and the price limit was 50 cents.

And, finally, you know you're old when one of the high points of Christmas Present is when Thom posts that picture of himself in the bunny suit and you totally identify with his reminiscences!

Thanks, Thom...classic blog post!

Thom said...

The Norelco razor skimming across the snowy hillsides - uh-huh...

OMG - my first transistor radio! It was favorite gift of all... I literally took it to bed with me.

Thanks for the memories...

joetalk said...

Not all us younguns forgot about albums -- I got Kenny & Dolly's Christmas album on vinyl as a child of the 80's . . . and listened to it over and over and over and over . . .

And I am old enough to remember when the question was which will last -- VHS or BETAMAX . . . you forgot to include that fun one.

Happy Christmas Thom (and Dave)!! jj:)

Nilla said...

Everything sounds better when it's someone else's memory...I do remember the "icicles" that people used to put on tress...they always made a huge mess and my mom would always go nuts if any of them ended up on our 80s carpet. I remember the large bulbs...and I am talking much so that when you would drape them on a limb of a real christmas tree they would cause the branch to droop. I think David Bowie and Crosby thing happened the year I was born or earlier...I remember seeing it on youtube, but I know that doesnt count.