Friday, May 16, 2008

Everybody Needs This!

A friend just sent this to me and I have to tell you, it was the first thing that made me smile today. OMG... what a perfect gift for the end of a shitty week!

Be sure to try the manic mode...


John said...

Ha ha ha!! YESSSSS!!!!! The manic model was JUST what I was looking for! Thank you, Thom! Now you know that I will be sure to return frequently to play!! I am not going to add it to a page...just come back and share this with my friend! Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

So silly...but I enjoyed it :-)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed popping the bubbles to look like the letters F and U... That seemed to help a bit. Also, when you click the "Fresh Page" multiple times, you can make the voice echo, and it sounds kinda sexual that way... Which also can be a way to relieve stress... Hmmm? Why not lay down on a bed of bubble wrap?

RANDOM PUN QUOTE ONE MIGHT SAY WHEN LAYING ON A BED OF BUBBLE WRAP... "I didn't mean to burst your bubble... or did I?" ;-)

Thanks for the bubble wrap relief, Thom! :-)